post-colonial africa

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

50th anniversary of african independences: What went wrong?

Most African nations are marking the 50th anniversary of their independences this year, at least 17 African countries are celebrating their half century independence this year.  But while some countries are prosperous, some still remains in a state of chaos and despair.

We have seen period of accelerating growth were some African nations were thriving economically, socially and culturally, but towards the end of the 20th century something definitely went wrong and had had a reverse growth in the continent of Africa.   That something that went wrong is what we intend to discuss in this article.   The so-called report card is in and we have graded Africa with a D- as a whole.  What went wrong after 50 years of independence?  What are some of the causes?  Who really are behind the causal failure of Africa and what can be done to change the present state of affairs?


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